A little reminder on why we need to let go

Letting go is simply understanding that by not doing it, we are in reality more attached to the source of our pain, than we would be if were to let go of whatever happened.

2 min readNov 12, 2020
Original picture retrieved from: Pinterest | Edited by Sofia

This is a post I made on instagram to remind myself that while it is true, anger serves a purpose short-term, it’s not always beneficial to my mental health.

Anger can pushes us to do or act upon things we wouldn’t do otherwise but when we stay in that mental state for longer than we should; or when we are intentionally choosing to stay angry towards someone, resentment starts to pile up.

And here’s the thing, being or choosing to stay angry or resentful towards someone, is like drinking poison and hoping the other person to die. So here’s how I believe we can find it easier to let go.

The woman I hope I become is not too far off from the woman I already am today. And there’s truly no greater feeling.

Our desire to “fight back” should come from a place of wanting to grow, not from wanting revenge.

I was keeping myself stuck by remaining angry. Until I came to the realization that we make our own hell by living in pain and resentment. We make our own hell for wanting the person who hurt us to pay for the things they put us through. We make our own hell by wanting to make the enemy regret that he ever picked on us.

Letting go doesn’t mean forgiving, and even if you forgive; forgiving doesn’t mean forgetting. Letting go is simply understanding that by not doing it, we are in reality more attached to the source of our pain, than we would be if were to let go of whatever happened.

Detaching allows us to step back into living our life despite another person’s behavior.

And that right there, makes all the difference.

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Written by Sofia

“the beauty of who you, is how you wear who you are ” | Podcast: @por.crecer on instagram | podcast: Por Crecer on Spotify & apple podcasts

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