A little reminder for the people who can’t stop chasing and who can’t let go

Some food for thought.

2 min readJan 7, 2021
Retrieved from: Pinterest

The energy you keep using to get someone else’s attention, you should be using to start loving yourself. Because that right there tells you how little you are loving yourself.

You’re more focused on this other person you’ve forgotten about you. You have forgotten that you too matter. That your happiness also matters, and it has nothing to do with this other person. Your general wellness can’t depend on this person choosing you.

And let me tell you, you won’t be happy with them, if you can’t be happy alone. You keep thinking that maybe when you get them, then you will be 100% happy and fulfilled. But you won’t, and neither will them.

There’s a reason they walked out of your life. There’s a reason they gave up on you. There’s a reason things didn’t work out the way you wanted them to. There’s a reason they didn’t come back and probably never will. Make peace with that.

You are keeping yourself stuck by lingering in the idea that one day they’ll come back. You are keeping the space someone else could be using, by holding onto someone who has already let go of you. Maybe your person is out there but as long as you keep thinking on this other person, you are not opening the space for this other person to show up in your life.

You’re too desperate on someone else noticing you and seeing you, instead of doing that for yourself.

When your focus is truly and fully on you, that’s when people notice.

As harsh as it sound, the energy you are putting out there of wanting to chase someone who’s clearly not for you, will just repel them more. Because that energy is not attractive. No matter how much you think “maybe if i try harder”. No boo! the person who wants to be with you, won’t require you to love yourself less and to bend yourself more over backwards to get them to notice you.

So I hope you can learn to choose yourself more this year without needing someone else to do it. Make peace with the fact that some people are not meant for you, no matter how hard you try, how much you pray or how many coins you toss in the fountain.

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